
Huehuetenango Middle School

A staggering 58% of the Huehuetenango department’s population is under the age of 20. Whilst the area had adequate primary school facilities, one of those schools was trying to cater for primary children in the morning and middle school students in the afternoon.

Building a school specifically for middle school children became a priority - a school with new facilities and, importantly, with access to computers, unlocking access to digital learning, not just for the children but for the adults too.

In September 2012, having just opened a new primary school and added two computer labs to existing primary schools in Huehuetenango, one of the Costa Foundation trustees visited a potential plot of land for a new middle school. This plot now boasts a new middle school for children from those primary schools.

The Mayor of Huehuetenango was enthusiastically assisted by the women’s committee throughout the preparation and implementation of this project, enabling the land to be cleared in May 2013 and the school to be opened in June 2014.

The official inauguration was held on September 15th 2014, Guatemala’s National Independence Day, a double celebration for the whole community who dressed up in costumes and sang and danced in celebration throughout the day.

The school boasts five classrooms, an industrial arts and home education room, a computer lab with 26 computers, an admin block, sanitation, electricity and water. It now accommodates 270 children.